We co-lead organizations committed to biodiversity science worldwide
Liber Ero Chair: Making the work at the Gonzalez Lab possible
With the support of the Liber Ero Chair in Biodiversity Conservation we translate our research into knowledge for conservation and policy in Canada. We are particularly focused on the restoration of ecological connectivity in human-dominated landscapes.
GEO BON: Improving the acquisition, coordination and delivery of biodiversity observations
GEO BON is a global biodiversity observation network that contributes to effective management policies for the world’s biodiversity and ecosystem services. GEO BON is recognized as a partner by the Convention on Biological Diversity.
MSSI: A hub of expertise and excellence
The McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative (MSSI) takes a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector approach to sustainability. The MSSI brings together experts from across McGill’s faculties, providing support and seed funding for transdisciplinary teams to tackle some of the most complex and challenging issues in sustainability.
QCBS: Fostering a world-class research and training program in biodiversity science
The QCBS connects more than 120 researchers working at the forefront of conservation science, both nationally here in Canada and internationally, and represents a partnership between 12 universities and 4 collaborating organizations.
RESNET: A network for studying Canadian ecosystem services
Unites a broad community of scholars and resource managers from across academic, government, NGO, and industry sectors to identify paths for sustainable landscape management that ensure biologically diverse, resilient, and adaptive social-ecological systems amid the complexity of competing values, stakeholders, and political jurisdictions.
HABITAT: Accelerate your ecological transition with solutions rooted in nature and science
Habitat's team of scientific consultants guides municipalities, MRCs, government institutions and NPOs in the sustainable management of ecosystems, conservation of biodiversity and consideration of the services provided by natural environments, by applying the best available science.