Urgent climate action is needed to ensure effectiveness of protected areas for biodiversity benefits A.S. Mori, A. Gonzalez, R. Seidl et al. - One Earth, 2024
Monitoring ecosystem services with essential ecosystem service variables A.M. Schwantes, C.R. Firkowski, F. Affinito, et al. - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2024
A comparison of approaches to quantify carbon for ecosystem service assessments through time A.M. Schwantes, C.R. Firkowski, P.S. Rodriguez et al. - FACETS, 2024
Monitoring Changes in the Enhanced Vegetation Index to Inform the Management of Forests P.S. Rodriguez, A.M. Schwantes, A. Gonzalez, M.J. Fortin - Remote Sensing, 2024
Global monitoring for biodiversity: Uncertainty, risk, and power analyses to support trend change detection. B. Leung, A. Gonzalez - Science Advances, 2024Connectivity mediates the spatial ecological impacts of a glyphosate-based herbicide in experimental metaecosystems. J.O.N. Dastis, B. McGuinness, C.P. Tadiri et al - 2024
It’s about time: small mammal communities and Lyme disease emergence. V.. Millien, S.S.T. Leo, S. Turney, A. Gonzalez - Scientific Reports, 2023
Spread of networked populations is determined by the interplay between dispersal behavior and habitat configuration. B. Rayfield, C.B. Baines, L.J. Gilarranz, A. Gonzalez - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023
The missing link: discerning true from false negatives when sampling species interaction networks. M.D. Catchen, T. Poisot, L.J. Pollock, A. Gonzalez - EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Expert perspectives on global biodiversity loss and its drivers and impacts on people. F. Isbell, P. Balvanera, A.S. Mori, J.S. He, J.M. Bullock et al. - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2023
Improving ecological connectivity assessments with transfer learning and function approximation. M.D. Catchen, M. Lin, T. Poisot, D. Rolnick, A. Gonzalez - EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Rapid monitoring of ecological persistence. C. Song, B.I. Simmons, M.J. Fortin, A. Gonzalez et al - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023
Detecting and attributing the causes of biodiversity change: needs, gaps and solutions. E. Tekwa, A. Gonzalez, D. Zurell, M. O'Connor - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2023
A framework for the detection and attribution of biodiversity change. A. Gonzalez, J.M. Chase, M.I. O'Connor - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2023
A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action. A. Gonzalez, P. Vihervaara, P. Balvanera, A.E. Bates at al- Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2023
Étude sur la mise en œuvre d’outils d’écofiscalité au service de la conservation et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent. J.P. Meloche, C. Bourbonnais, A. Dragicevic, J. Dupras et al - CIRANO, 2023
Neglected consequences of spatio-temporal heterogeneity and dispersal: Metapopulations, the inflationary effect, and real-world consequences for public health. N. Kortessis, G. Glass, A. Gonzalez, et al - bioRxiv, 2023
Ecosystem connectivity and configuration can mediate instability at a distance in metaecosystems. C. P. Tadiri, J. O. Negrín Dastis, M. E. Cristescu, A. Gonzalez, & G. F. Fussmann - Functional Ecology, 2023
Metapopulation persistence can be inferred from incomplete surveys. C. Song, M.J. Fortin, A. Gonzalez - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2022
Monitor biodiversity for action. A. Gonzalez, M.C. Londoño - Science, 2022
Integrating land use and climate change models with stakeholder priorities to evaluate habitat connectivity change: a case study in southern Québec. V. Lucet, A. Gonzalez - Landscape Ecology, 2022
Expert perspectives on global biodiversity loss and its drivers and impacts on people. F. Isbell, P. Balvanera, A.S. Mori, J.S. He, J.M. Bullock et al. - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2022
Achieving global biodiversity goals by 2050 requires urgent and integrated actions. P. Leadley, A. Gonzalez, D. Obura, C.B. Krug et al.- One earth, 2022
A glyphosate-based herbicide cross-selects for antibiotic resistance genes in bacterioplankton communities. N. Barbosa da Costa, M.P. Hébert, V. Fugère, Y. Terrat et al.- Msystems, 2022
Contrasting responses of soybean aphids, primary parasitoids, and hyperparasitoids to forest fragments and agricultural landscape structure. M.G.E. Mitchell, E. Hartley, M. Tsuruda, A. Gonzalez et al. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2022
Genotype diversity promotes the persistence of Daphnia populations exposed to severe copper stress. A. Loria, M..E Cristescu, A. Gonzalez - Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2022
Multi‐trophic metacommunity interactions mediate asynchrony and stability in fluctuating environments. C.R. Firkowski, P.L. Thompson, A. Gonzalez et al. - Ecological Monographs, 2022
Rapid monitoring for ecological persistence. C. Song, B.I. Simmons, M.J. Fortin, A. Gonzalez et al. - bioRxiv, 2022
Missing interactions: the current state of multispecies connectivity analysis. S.L.R. Wood, K.T. Martins, V. Dumais-Lalonde et al. - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022
Coding for Life: Designing a Platform for Projecting and Protecting Global Biodiversity. M.C. Urban, J.M.J. Travis, D. Zurell et al. - BioScience, 2022
A roadmap towards predicting species interaction networks (across space and time). T. Strydom, M.D. Catchen, F. Banville et al. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2021
Grand challenges in biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research in the era of science–policy platforms require explicit consideration of feedbacks. M.I. O'Connor, A.S. Mori, A. Gonzalez et al. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2021
Monitoring social–ecological networks for biodiversity and ecosystem services in human-dominated landscapes. C.R. Firkowski, A.M. Schwantes, M.J. Fortin, A. Gonzalez - Facets, 2021
Resistance, resilience, and functional redundancy of freshwater bacterioplankton communities facing a gradient of agricultural stressors in a mesocosm experiment. N. Barbosa da Costa, V. Fugère, M.P. Hébert et al. - Molecular Ecology, 2021
Biodiversity as insurance: from concept to measurement and application. M. Loreau, M. Barbier, E. Filotas et al. - Biological Reviews, 2021
Widespread agrochemicals differentially affect zooplankton biomass and community structure. M.P. Hébert, V. Fugère, B.E. Beisner et al. - Ecological Applications, 2021
Annexe–Modélisation de la connectivité de l’habitat terrestre dans les Basses-Terres du Saint-Laurent selon différents scénarios de changements climatiques et d’occupation des sols. B. Rayfield, G. Larocque, K.T. Martins et al. - 2021
Correction to: Temperate forest fragments maintain aboveground carbon stocks out to the forest edge despite changes in community composition. Z. Carly, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez - Oecologia, 2021
Prior exposure to stress allows the maintenance of an ecosystem cycle following severe acidification. S.J. van Moorsel, J.N. Marleau, J.O. Negrín Dastis et al. - Oikos, 2021
Biodiversity–productivity relationships are key to nature-based climate solutions. A.S. Mori, L.E. Dee, A. Gonzalezet al. - Nature Climate Change, 2021
Refining analyses of existing data sets is valuable for macrogenetics: a response to Paz‐Vinas, Jensen et al.,(2021). K.L. Millette, V. Fugère, C. Debyser et al. - Ecology Letters, 2021
Data from: Species richness change across spatial scales. J.M. Chase, B.J. McGill, P.L. Thompson et al. - 2021
Appendix–Changing terrestrial habitat connectivity within the St. Lawrence Lowlands under scenarios of climate and land cover change. B. Rayfield, G. Larocque, K. Martins et al. - 2021
Scaling up biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships: the role of environmental heterogeneity in space and time. P.L. Thompson, S. Kéfi, Y.R. Zelnik et al. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2021
Landscape modification and nutrient‐driven instability at a distance. K.S. McCann, K. Cazelles, A.S. MacDougall - Ecology Letters, 2021
Refining analyses of existing datasets is valuable for macrogenetics: a response to Paz-Vinas et al.(2021). K. Millette, V. Fugere, C. Debyser, A. Greiner et al. - Authorea Preprints, 2021
Widespread agrochemicals differentially affect zooplankton biomass and community structure. R.D.H. Barrett, G. Bell, B.J. Shapiro et al. - 2021
Ecosystem services and the resilience of agricultural landscapes. E.M. Bennett, J. Baird, H. Baulch et al. - Advances in ecological research, 2021
Life in fluctuating environments. J.R. Bernhardt, M.I. O'Connor, J.M. Sunday, A. Gonzalez - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2020
Evolutionary rescue is mediated by the history of selection and dispersal in diversifying metacommunities. L.M.J. O'Connor, V. Fugère, A. Gonzalez - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2020
Converting ecological currencies: Energy, material, and information flows. J.N. Marleau, T. Peller, F. Guichard, A. Gonzalez - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2020
Scaling up biodiversity ecosystem functioning relationships: the role of environmental variability in space and time. P.L. Thompson, S. Kéfi, Y.R. Zelnik et al. - bioRxiv, 2020
Response to Cardinale and Loreau, and Baum et al. Letters to Science. S.A. Blowes, S.R. Supp, M. Dornelas et al. - 2020
Breaking ecological barriers: Anthropogenic disturbance leads to habitat transitions, hybridization, and high genetic diversity. K.L. Millette, A. Gonzalez, M.E. Cristescu - Science of the Total Environment, 2020
Tropical forest fragmentation and isolation: Is community decay a random process? D.A. Luther, W.J. Cooper, J.D. Wolfe et al. - Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020
Environmental fluctuations can promote evolutionary rescue in high-extinction-risk scenarios. J.H. Peniston, M. Barfield, A. Gonzalez, R.D. Holt - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2020
Scaling‐up biodiversity‐ecosystem functioning research. A. Gonzalez, R.M. Germain, D.S. Srivastava et al. - Ecology Letters, 2020
Community rescue in experimental phytoplankton communities facing severe herbicide pollution. V. Fugère, M.P. Hébert, N.B. Da Costa et al. - Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2020
Ecosystem entanglement and the propagation of nutrient-driven instability. K.S. McCann, A.S. MacDougall, G.F. Fussmann et al. - bioRxiv, 2020
Prior selection prevents the loss of an ecosystem cycle during acidification. S.J. van Moorsel, J.N. Marleau, J.O.N. Dastis et al. - bioRxiv, 2020
Research gaps in knowledge of the impact of urban growth on biodiversity. R.I. McDonald, A.V. Mansur, F. Ascensão et al. - Nature Sustainability, 2020
No consistent effects of humans on animal genetic diversity worldwide. K.L. Millette, V. Fugère, C. Debyser et al. - Ecology letters, 2020
The geography of biodiversity change in marine and terrestrial assemblages. S.A. Blowes, S.R. Supp, L.H. Antão et al. - Science, 2019
Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives. S.P. Brady, D.I. Bolnick, R.D.H. Barrett, et al. - The American Naturalist, 2019
How to avoid traffic jams in urban biodiversity corridors. T. Tuff, A. Gonzalez - 2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11--16), 2019
Causes of maladaptation. S.P. Brady, D.I. Bolnick, A.L. Angert, A. Gonzalez et al. - Evolutionary Applications, 2019
Species richness change across spatial scales. J.M. Chase, B.J. McGill, P.L. Thompson et al. - Oikos, 2019
Mixed evidence for adaptation to environmental pollution. A. Loria, M.E. Cristescu, A. Gonzalez - Evolutionary applications, 2019
Ecosystem Functions across Trophic Levels Are Linked to Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity (vol 10, e0117595, 2015). P.L. Thompson, T.J. Davies, A. Gonzalez - PLOS ONE, 2019
Correction: Ecosystem Functions across Trophic Levels Are Linked to Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity. P.L. Thompson, T.J. Davies, A. Gonzalez - PloS one, 2019
Principles of ecology revisited: Integrating information and ecological theories for a more unified science. M.I. O'Connor, M.W. Pennell, F. Altermatt, et al. - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2019
Trophic structure modulates community rescue following acidification. G. Bell, V. Fugère, R. Barrett, et al. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2019
Ecological data should not be so hard to find and reuse. T. Poisot, A. Bruneau, A. Gonzalez, et al. - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2019
Spatial evolutionary dynamics produce a negative cooperation–population size relationship. E.W. Tekwa, A. Gonzalez, M. Loreau - Theoretical population biology, 2019
The overlooked impact of rising glyphosate use on phosphorus loading in agricultural watersheds. M.P. Hébert, V. Fugère, A. Gonzalez - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2019
Worldwide impacts of humans on animal genetic diversity. K. Millette, V. Fugère, C. Debyser, et al. - Europe PMS, 2019
CASE STUDY 10: Connectivity by Design: A Multiobjective Ecological Network for Biodiversity That Is Robust to Land Use and Regional Climate Change. A. Gonzalez, C. Albert, B. Rayfield, M. Dumitru - Biodiversity and Climate Change, 2019
Connectivity by design: a multi− objective ecological network for biodiversity that is robust to land use and regional climate change. A. Gonzalez, C.H. Albert, B. Rayfield, M. Dumitru - HAL, 2019
The Montérégie Connection: Understanding How Ecosystems Can Provide Resilience to the Risk of Ecosystem Service Change. E.M. Bennett, C. Albert, A. Ball, et al. - Atlas of Ecosystem Services, 2019
Selecting surrogate species for connectivity conservation. M. Meurant, A. Gonzalez, A. Doxa, C.H. Albert - Biological Conservation, 2018
Urban tinkering. T. Elmqvist, J. Siri, E. Andersson, et al. - Sustainability Science, 2018
Moving forward in implementing green infrastructures: Stakeholder perceptions of opportunities and obstacles in a major North American metropolitan area. J.F. Bissonnette, J. Dupras, C. Messier, et al. - Cities, 2018
Is habitat fragmentation good for biodiversity? R.J. Fletcher Jr, R.K. Didham, C. Banks-Leite, et al. - Biological conservation, 2018
Reproductive traits and their relationship with water temperature in three common octocoral (Anthozoa: Octocoralia) species from the tropical eastern Pacific. C.G. Gomez, A. Gonzalez, H.M. Guzman - Bulletin of Marine Science, 2018
Biomass dynamics in a long-term Amazonian forest fragmentation experiment. C. Debyser, W.F. Laurance, A.C.S. Andrade, et al. - 2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
The strength of the biodiversity–ecosystem function relationship depends on spatial scale. P.L. Thompson, F. Isbell, M. Loreau, et al. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2018
Complementary crops and landscape features sustain wild bee communities. K.T. Martins, C.H. Albert, M.J. Lechowicz, A. Gonzalez - Ecological Applications, 2018
Quantifying effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning across times and places. F. Isbell, J. Cowles, L.E. Dee, et al. - Ecology Letters, 2018
Embracing urban complexity. M. Alberti, T. McPhearson, A. Gonzalez - Urban planet: knowledge towards sustainable cities …, 2018
Is local biodiversity declining or not? A summary of the debate over analysis of species richness time trends. B.J. Cardinale, A. Gonzalez, G.R.H. Allington, M. Loreau - Biological Conservation, 2018
Multiscale change in reef coral species diversity and composition in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. C.G. Gomez, A. Gonzalez, H.M. Guzman - Coral Reefs, 2018
Stability and dynamic properties of octocoral communities in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. C.G. Gomez, H.M. Guzman, A. Gonzalez - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2018
Biodiversity trends are stronger in marine than terrestrial assemblages. S. Blowes, S. Supp, L. Antão, et al. - bioRxiv, 2018
Spatial ecological networks: planning for sustainability in the long-term. A. Gonzalez, P. Thompson, M. Loreau - Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 2017
Rapid morphological divergence in two closely related and co-occurring species over the last 50 years. V. Millien, R. Ledevin, C. Boué, A. Gonzalez - Evolutionary Ecology, 2017
Applying network theory to prioritize multispecies habitat networks that are robust to climate and land‐use change. C.H. Albert, B. Rayfield, M. Dumitru, A. Gonzalez - Conservation Biology, 2017
Patterns of pollinator turnover and increasing diversity associated with urban habitats. K.T. Martins, A. Gonzalez, M.J. Lechowicz - Urban Ecosystems, 2017
Defector clustering is linked to cooperation in a pathogenic bacterium. E.W. Tekwa, D. Nguyen, M. Loreau, A. Gonzalez - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological …, 2017
Functional connectivity of the white-footed mouse in Southern Quebec, Canada. R.R. Marrotte, A. Gonzalez, V. Millien - Landscape Ecology, 2017
Effects of network modularity on the spread of perturbation impact in experimental metapopulations. L.J. Gilarranz, B. Rayfield, G. Liñán-Cembrano et al. - Science, 2017
Signatures of the collapse and incipient recovery of an overexploited marine ecosystem. E.J. Pedersen, P.L. Thompson, R.A. Ball, et al. - Royal Society open science, 2017
Linking the influence and dependence of people on biodiversity across scales. F. Isbell, A. Gonzalez, M. Loreau, et al. - Nature, 2017
Dispersal governs the reorganization of ecological networks under environmental change. P.L. Thompson, A. Gonzalez - Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2017
HNBA Corporate Counsel Conference March 30–April 2, 2017~ Miami, FL Accreditation Packet. E.A. Santiago-Acevedo, P. Financial, E.I. Bustillo, et al. - 2017
The genetic signature of range expansion in a disease vector—the black-legged tick. S.S.T. Leo, A. Gonzalez, V. Millien - Journal of Heredity, 2017
Experimental evidence does not support the Habitat Amount Hypothesis. N.M. Haddad, A. Gonzalez, L.A. Brudvig, et al. - Ecography, 2017
Loss of habitat and connectivity erodes species diversity, ecosystem functioning, and stability in metacommunity networks. P.L. Thompson, B. Rayfield, A. Gonzalez - Ecography, 2017
A general biodiversity–function relationship is mediated by trophic level. M.I. O'Connor, A. Gonzalez, J.E.K. Byrnes, et al. - Oikos, 2017
Landscape structure affects the provision of multiple ecosystem services. T. Lamy, K.N. Liss, A. Gonzalez, E.M. Bennett - Environmental Research Letters, 2016
Ecosystem multifunctionality in metacommunities. P.L. Thompson, A. Gonzalez - Ecology, 2016
Improving the forecast for biodiversity under climate change. M.C. Urban, G. Bocedi, A.P. Hendry, et al. - Science, 2016
Biotic nitrogen fixation in the bryosphere is inhibited more by drought than warming. J.A. Whiteley, A. Gonzalez - Oecologia, 2016
Estimating local biodiversity change: a critique of papers claiming no net loss of local diversity. A. Gonzalez, B.J. Cardinale, G.R.H. Allington, et al. - Ecology, 2016
The impacts of urban sprawl on ecological connectivity in the Montreal Metropolitan Region. J. Dupras, J. Marull, L. Parcerisas, et al. - Environmental science & policy, 2016
A network approach reveals surprises about the history of the niche. M.T. Pedruski, G.F. Fussmann, A. Gonzalez - Ecosphere, 2016
Management of vegetation under electric distribution lines will affect the supply of multiple ecosystem services. J. Dupras, C. Patry, R. Tittler, A. Gonzalez, et al. - Land use policy, 2016
Multipurpose habitat networks for short‐range and long‐range connectivity: a new method combining graph and circuit connectivity. B. Rayfield, D. Pelletier, M. Dumitru, et al. - Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2016
The impacts of the Cap Nature real estate project (Pierrefonds West) on ecological connectivity. M. Dumitru, M.E. Roy, J. Dupras, B. Rayfield, A. Gonzalez - 2016
Multi-taxa integrated landscape genetics for zoonotic infectious diseases: deciphering variables influencing disease emergence. S.S.T. Leo, A. Gonzalez, V. Millien - Genome, 2016
The Montérégie Connection: linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services to improve decision making. M.G.E. Mitchell, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez, et al. - Ecology and Society, 2015
Community rescue in experimental metacommunities. E. Low-Décarie, M. Kolber, P. Homme, et al. - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015
Strong and nonlinear effects of fragmentation on ecosystem service provision at multiple scales. M.G.E. Mitchell, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez - Environmental Research Letters, 2015
Local densities connect spatial ecology to game, multilevel selection and inclusive fitness theories of cooperation. E.W. Tekwa, A. Gonzalez, M. Loreau - Journal of theoretical biology, 2015
Warming induces synchrony and destabilizes experimental pond zooplankton metacommunities. P.L. Thompson, B.E. Beisner, A. Gonzalez - Oikos, 2015
Predicting the outcome of competition when fitness inequality is variable. M.T. Pedruski, G.F. Fussmann, A. Gonzalez - Royal Society Open Science, 2015
Towards the establishment of a green infrastructure in the region of Montreal (Quebec, Canada). J. Dupras, C. Drouin, P. André, A. Gonzalez - Planning Practice & Research, 2015
Act to staunch loss of research data. A. Gonzalez, P.R. Peres-Neto - Nature, 2015
Categoría: Revistas científicas. N.M. Haddad, L.A. Brudvig, J. Clobert, et al. - Science Advances, 2015
Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth’s ecosystems. N.M. Haddad, L.A. Brudvig, J. Clobert, KF Davies… - Science advances, 2015
Ecosystem functions across trophic levels are linked to functional and phylogenetic diversity. P.L. Thompson, T.J. Davies, A. Gonzalez - PloS one, 2015
Population decline and the effects of disturbances on the structure and recovery of octocoral communities (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) in Pacific Panama. C.G. Gomez, H.M. Guzman, A. Gonzalez - Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the …, 2015
Pollination services are mediated by bee functional diversity and landscape context. K.T. Martins, A. Gonzalez, M.J. Lechowicz - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2015
Predicting the outcome of competitionwhen fitness inequality is variable. M.T. Pedruski, G.F. Fussmann, A. Gonzalez - 2015
Patchiness in a microhabitat chip affects evolutionary dynamics of bacterial cooperation. E.W. Tekwa, D. Nguyen, D. Juncker, et al. - Lab on a Chip, 2015
Robustness of the spatial insurance effects of biodiversity to habitat loss. P.L. Thompson, B. Rayfield, A. Gonzalez - Evolutionary Ecology Research, 2015
Dispersal, environmental forcing, and parasites combine to affect metapopulation synchrony and stability. A.B. Duncan, A. Gonzalez, O. Kaltz - Ecology, 2015
Biodiversity in Organic Farmland-How Does Landscape Context Influence Species Diversity in Organic Vs. Conventional Agricultural Fields? V. Seufert, S. Wood, A. Reid, A. Gonzalez, et al. - AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014
The negative relationship between mammal host diversity and Lyme disease incidence strengthens through time. S. Turney, A. Gonzalez, V. Millien - Ecology, 2014
Temperate forest fragments maintain aboveground carbon stocks out to the forest edge despite changes in community composition. C. Ziter, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez - Oecologia, 2014
Synchronous dynamics of zooplankton competitors prevail in temperate lake ecosystems. D.A. Vasseur, J.W. Fox, A. Gonzalez, et al. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2014
Landscape resistance and habitat combine to provide an optimal model of genetic structure and connectivity at the range margin of a small mammal. R.R. Marrotte, A. Gonzalez, V. Millien - Molecular Ecology, 2014
Climate change and habitat fragmentation drive the occurrence of B orrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease, at the northeastern limit of its distribution. J.A. Simon, R.R. Marrotte, N. Desrosiers, et al. - Evolutionary Applications, 2014
Forest fragments modulate the provision of multiple ecosystem services. M.G.E. Mitchell, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez - Journal of Applied Ecology, 2014
Agricultural landscape structure affects arthropod diversity and arthropod-derived ecosystem services. M.G.E. Mitchell, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2014
The potential connectivity of waterhole networks and the effectiveness of a protected area under various drought scenarios. G. O'Farrill, K. Gauthier Schampaert, B. Rayfield, et al. - PloS one, 2014
Survival, growth, and recruitment of octocoral species (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) in Coiba National Park, Pacific Panama. C.G. Gomez, H.M. Guzman, A. Gonzalez, O. Breedy - Bulletin of Marine Science, 2014
Temperate forest fragments maintain aboveground carbon stocks out to the forest edge despite changes in community composition [Erratum: July 2021, Vol. 196 (3), p. 935]. C. Ziter, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez - 2014
Species Richness and the Temporal Stability of Biomass Production: A New Analysis of Recent Biodiversity Experiments. B.J. Cardinale, J.W. Fox, A. Gonzalez, et al. - 2014
Linking biodiversity and ecosystem services: current uncertainties and the necessary next steps. P. Balvanera, I. Siddique, L. Dee, et al. - Bioscience, 2014
Evolutionary rescue can maintain an oscillating community undergoing environmental change. G.F. Fussmann, A. Gonzalez - Interface Focus, 2013
The ecological deficit. A. Gonzalez - Nature, 2013
Data from: Species richness and the temporal stability of biomass production: a new analysis of recent biodiversity experiments. K. Gross, B.J. Cardinale, J.W. Fox, A. Gonzalez, et al. - 2013
Stochastic environmental fluctuations drive epidemiology in experimental host–parasite metapopulations. A.B. Duncan, A. Gonzalez, O. Kaltz - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2013
Linking landscape connectivity and ecosystem service provision: current knowledge and research gaps. M.G.E. Mitchell, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez - Ecosystems, 2013
Functional diversity and management mediate aboveground carbon stocks in small forest fragments. C. Ziter, E.M. Bennett, A. Gonzalez - Ecosphere, 2013
Unifying sources and sinks in ecology and Earth sciences. M. Loreau, T. Daufresne, A. Gonzalez, et al. - Biological Reviews, 2013
Introduction: Evolutionary rescue: an emerging focus at the intersection between ecology and evolution. A. Gonzalez, O. Ronce, R. Ferriere, M.E. Hochberg - Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 2013
Evolutionary rescue: an emerging focus at the intersection between ecology and evolution. A. Gonzalez, O. Ronce, R. Ferriere, M.E. Hochberg - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2013
Evolutionary rescue and adaptation to abrupt environmental change depends upon the history of stress. A. Gonzalez, G. Bell - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2013
Evolutionary rescue can maintain an oscillating community. G.F. Fussmann, A. Gonzalez - Interface Focus, 2013
Stochastic environmental fluctuations drive epidemiology in. A.B. Duncan, A. Gonzalez, O. Kaltz - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2013