Prof Andy Gonzalez Representing GEO BON at 10th IPBES Plenary
Andrew Gonzalez representing GEO BON (Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network) at the IPBES (Augusts 31, 2023)
In late August, Prof Andy Gonzalez attended the 10th plenary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Bonn, Germany. He was there on behalf of GEO BON to support the process leading to the approval of two new knowledge assessments - one, a methodological assessment on monitoring biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, and the other on integrated biodiversity-inclusive spatial planning and ecological connectivity. These are two assessments that can be supported by GEO BON's experts. They are also at the center of his current research interests.
“So, I was particularly happy when the new assessments were approved after a week of long and sometimes late-night negotiations” says prof Andy. “It was a fascinating experience and I learned so much by attending this meeting.”
These new assessments will provide the knowledge needed by Parties to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.